33737 George Ferguson Way
Abbotsford, BC V2S 2M4
E-mail: info@lgdance.ca

Whats New
Dance classes in the Fraser Valley @ ASAA Hall 33889 Essendene Ave. Downtown Abbotsford.
Phone: 604-308-6238
Email: lgdance@shaw.ca
Learn international-style ballroom, Latin, fun swing/jive, Lindy Hop, West Coast swing, Charleston, Bachata, Salsa, and Argentine Tango.
February Classes - Accepting Registrations Now!
Click "Register" above to register
Friday - February 7th
"Lost in Dance: Dance Event
Join us for a fun night of dancing!
Time: 7:15 to 9:15 pm
$15 per person
1) 4-week Intermediate Salsa Dance Course
a calorie-burning super fun Dance,
Start date: Tuesday, February 11th
Weekly Tuesdays @ 6:30 pm
$70 per person for the 4-classes
2) 4-week Intermediate West Coast Swing Dance Course:
Dance to Pop, Big Bands, Blues, and Country Music.
Start date: Tuesday, February 11th
Weekly Tuesdays @ 7:30 pm
$70 per person for the 4-classes
*Special - $10 off for taking both Tuesday night courses
1) Intermediate 4-week Single Rhythm Swing / Jive
Dance to the Big Bands, 50s-60s, Swing, and Pop music
Start date: January 31st
Time: 6:30-7:15 pm
$70 per person for the 4-weeks
* Stay for the Friday Night Dancing for Free!
Welcome To 
Are you here to learn how to Ballroom dance?
We enjoy teaching people in the athletic art of ballroom dancing, even the ones who have never danced a step in their lives.
Two left feet?
No worries! We will make one RIGHT!

Lose some weight?
Improve cognitive health?
Or maybe just bored at home?
Come and join us! Have some fun and make new friends!
* Improve your cardio
* Burn 200-400 calories/hr
* Strengthen your legs
* Build Self Confidence
* Improve your cognitive health
* Low Impact alternative to working out
* Fun for all ages
* Learn to dance with confidence!
* Go out with your spouse/friends to events, dances, cruises, and weddings