Leona & George
33737 George Ferguson Way
Abbotsford, BC V2S 2M4
E-mail: info@lgdance.ca

Whats New

Dance classes in the Fraser Valley @ ASAA Hall 33889 Essendene Ave. Downtown Abbotsford.

Phone: 604-308-6238

Email: lgdance@shaw.ca

Learn international-style ballroom, Latin, fun swing/jive, Lindy Hop, West Coast swing, Charleston, Bachata, Salsa, and Argentine Tango.

February Classes - Accepting Registrations Now!

Click "Register" above to register


Friday - February 7th

"Lost in Dance: Dance Event

Join us for a fun night of dancing!

Time: 7:15 to 9:15 pm

$15 per person



1) 4-week Intermediate Salsa Dance Course

a calorie-burning super fun Dance,

Start date: Tuesday, February 11th

Weekly Tuesdays @ 6:30 pm

$70 per person for the 4-classes


2) 4-week Intermediate West Coast Swing Dance Course:

Dance to Pop, Big Bands, Blues, and Country Music.

Start date: Tuesday, February 11th

Weekly Tuesdays @ 7:30 pm

$70 per person for the 4-classes

*Special - $10 off for taking both Tuesday night courses



1) Intermediate 4-week Single Rhythm Swing / Jive

Dance to the Big Bands, 50s-60s, Swing, and Pop music

Start date: January 31st

Time: 6:30-7:15 pm

$70 per person for the 4-weeks

* Stay for the Friday Night Dancing for Free!